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![]() College How do I find out if I am eligible for federal student aid? The Federal Student Aid FAFSA4caster site. How do I apply for college financial aid online? The Federal Student Aid site. How do I find out about student loans and grants? At the Office of Student Financial Assistance site. How do I find a federally-funded educational loan? At GovLoans.gov site, there is more information. How do I apply for scholarships and grants for students and teachers? Find out at the Florida Student Scholarship and Grant Program site. How do I find a list of scholarship programs? At the Florida Student Scholarship and Grant Program site. How do I find information about managing educational grants? The U.S. Department of Education site. How do I get student aid? Find student loans at the StudentLoans.gov site. How do I find eligibility, applications, award and renewal requirements for grants and scholarships? Florida Student Scholarship and Grant Program site. How do I find financial aid repayment plans? The Federal Student Aid site. How do I find career options and plan for college and financial aid? The Federal Student Aid site. How do I find the 4 steps to college? Go to the Know How 2 Go site. How do I apply for admission to college? The Federal Student Aid site has information about applying to college. Medical (Return to Top) How do I get low cost dental services? The Smile Florida site. How do I find basic health and wellness information? At the National Institute of Health Senior Health site. Jobs (Return to Top) How do I find information about learning English for adults? At the Florida Literacy Coalition site. How do I find free online learning resources? The Employ Florida Marketplace site. How do I find the Career OneStop Workforce center? A list of offices is located at Florida Jobs.org. How do I find information on fast growing occupations and training? At the Agency for Workforce Innovation site. How do I find the nearest job assistance center? Locate it at FloridaJobs.org. How do I get an education and earn a certificate? Find out how at Career Info Net. How do I find the Building Code Online? At the Florida Department of Community Affairs site. How do I get training on playground safety? At the National Program for Playground Safety. How do I find information for Florida Fire Fighters? At the MyFloridaCFO site for Fire Services. How do I find free online courses for math, money & computer skill? At the Goodwill Community Foundation. How do I learn basic Windows computer skills? At the Windows for Beginners site. How do I find qualifications for a student visa? How do I find the phone numbers for the Department of Education? At the U.S. Department of Education. How do I view certifications of teachers? The Florida Department of Education. How do I get a Commercial Driver's License? The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles site. How do I find information about child care training and licensing? The Florida Department of Children and Families. Preschool (Return to Top) How do I apply for Voluntary Prekindergarten? At the Florida's Office for Early Learning site. How do I find out about Voluntary Prekindergarten? At the Florida's Office for Early Learning site. How do I find out about Head Start? At the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center. How do I find information on WIC (Women, Infants & Children)? The Florida Department of Health. How do I find the latest news on early childhood development? Check out news at the Early Childhood Initiative Foundation. How do I find resources for parents on Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge? The Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center. K-12 (Return to Top) How do I practice for the FCAT? On the FCAT Explorer. How do I find parent resources for choosing a public school? The Florida School Choice Resource Center. How do I find a list of public schools? At the Florida Department of Education. How do I find public school ratings? At the Florida Department of Education. How do I find frequently asked questions about homeschooling? The Florida Department of Education. How do I find a list of programs to help disadvantaged children? The Florida Department of Education. How do I find Florida facts for children? At the Florida SenateKids site. How do I learn about the emotional health of my child? There is information about emotional health at the Department of Children & Families. How do I get information about sun overexposure for children? The National Program for Playground Safety. How do I find general safety information for children? At the Medline Plus website. How do I find information about transporting children? At the Child Care Exchange website. How do I get a grant to teach in schools that serve low income students? The Federal Student Aid site has a section of Teaching Grants. Business (Return to Top) How do I find free online marketing classes? The U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I find free online business classes? The U.S. Small Business Administration website. How do I find free online technology classes? The Education-Portal.com site has information about the top 10 free classes. How do I learn about government contracting? At the U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I take online courses for business? At the IRS. How do I learn about surviving in this economy? There are resources on the U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I find small business online television and training? How do I find the steps to starting a business in Florida? Visit the SmallBusiness.gov. How do I learn about finance and accounting for small businesses? The U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I learn about small business planning? The U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I learn about small business help in Florida? The University of Central Florida Small Business site. How do I find a map of small business development centers? The Florida Small Business Development Center Network. How do I find SCORE online workshops? At SCORE. How do I find information about taxes for businesses? At the A-Z Tax Index. How do I become an accredited child care provider? Learn how at the Florida Department of Children & Families website. Veterans (Return to Top) How do I apply for the GI Bill? Find out at the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. How do I apply for veterans benefits online? Go to the Department of Veterans Affairs. How do I find veterans benefits? Find out in the Florida Veterans Benefits Guide. Is there job placement and training available for veterans? At the Employflorida for Veterans site. How do I find out about veterans outreach programs? The U.S. Small Business Administration. How do I find the veterans' homes and nursing facilities? Find one at the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs. *All questions and answers above are a representative sample. While it is not possible to include all potential education-related questions, we will continue to add more questions, answers, and topics as our E-Government policies evolve. |