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How do I apply for veterans benefits?

The Department of Veteran Affairs has VONAPP where you can apply for benefits.

How do I find the veteran benefits available in Florida? has a list of available veteran benefits.

How do I find VA (Veteran Affairs) offices near me?

The Department of Veteran Affairs has a list of offices by city located.

How do I find out about government loans for veterans?

The site has a list of loans available.

How do families of deceased veterans find support?

Family members can find support and more at the TAPs web site.

How do I find out if there is a suicide prevention hotline for veterans?

Yes, you can get information at the National Suicide Prevention hotline section dedicated to Veterans.

How do I find out if there are federal jobs for veterans and their families?

At the America's Veteran site, veterans and their family members can find federal employment.

How do I learn about veteran's preference for employment/jobs?

The Florida Department of Veteran Affairs has information about Veterans' Preference.

How do veterans find out where to look for a job?

The Florida Department of Veteran Affairs has resources to help veterans find employment.

How do veterans get job help and training?

Florida's Agency for Workforce Innovation has information about regional workforce boards.

How do veterans families find out if they are eligible for job help?

Yes, the Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs has more information.

How do I find a veteran's nursing facility?

The Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs has a list.

How do I find a veteran cemetery near me?

The United States Department of Veterans' Affairs has a complete list.

How do I get more information aobut the G.I. Bill?

You can get more information about the G.I. Bill and learn how to apply.

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*All questions and answers above are a representative sample. While it is not possible to include all potential veteran-related questions, we will continue to add more questions, answers, and topics as our E-Government policies evolve.

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